
Showing posts from 2013

Independence day of Indonesia

Hi! After long breaking for writting this blog, the special day for Indonesia to celebrate the independence day. This article should be your references to get the Most impprtant Information from Indonesia. The Independence Day of Indonesia was officially proclaimed on 17th August, 1945 at 10.00 a.m. sharp on Friday. With this declaration started the five year diplomatic and armed-resistance of the Indonesian National Revolution, fighting against the Netherlands until they officially acknowledged Indonesia's independence in 1949. The Indonesian Independence Day is a very big event for the people of Indonesia. Preparations for this patriotic day start weeks ahead before the 17th of August. All high-rise office buildings around town are decorated with large banners and lighted designs. Fences around the presidential palace and many government offices are draped in red and white streamers. The malls are all decorated in red and white and hold Independence Day sales...

Final Day. final Duta Pelajar 2013.

16 Februari 2013 Final Duta Pelajar Jakarta 2013 yang di selenggarakan oleh Universitas Trilogi (Stekpi) di gd.Auditorium 14.00-19.30 ini nih, ruang gd.auditorium Universitas Trilogi yang digunakan untuk Final Duta Pelajar. Classy!  tim A yang lagi berpose setelah di ledekin kak agung. kak agung pake deodoran kebanyakan mungkin ya sampai banjir gitu huahauhuahaha ini lebih keren lagi, muka senyum tapi.. jantungnya mah mau copot. ngga bakat jadi model memang nih, kaku sekali berlenggk-lenggok di atas panggung ckckck. tapi...great job lah untuk yang udah berani tampil di atas stage dan jalan juga berpose di catwalk *tepuktangan* nah yang ini lebih unik lagi saking uniknya diatas stage beda sendiri tingkahnya ngga tau lagi ngapain itu tangan. but....look at my dress! it was a wonderful colour right? i really enjoyed that moment.  an amazing dress that izzati wore. look it up! :O yang ini 55 Finalis Duta Pelajar 2013. senyumannya itu...